Pieces of My Life

Every day is a piece of the larger puzzle that we create.

Every moment is the revelation of the bigger picture.

The pieces have dark and light images, but ALL make up One picture.

With its beauty and bleak moments, we do know that unimaginable possibilities are found in every moment for all of us to grow deep and expand our horizons.

The purpose of this blog is to share my journey. The blogs are divided into two sections. One will be snippets of my personal life (Personal Pieces) and the other will be my ministry life (Ministry Pieces); however they both are one whole event called Takouhi.

You are welcome to accompany me on this journey; and as you make the time to read, may you find nuggets of comfort, challenge and courage to help you continue your own journey.

Every moment is a gift, may we share that gift with everyone on this journey of Everlasting Love. Amen.

Advent 2024 Newsletter – Grace United Church

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1 (NRSV) Dear Grace United Church, What does this verse have to do anything with Advent and Christmas, you ask. My answer is everything. My thoughts go back to January 5, 2005, the first day of my journey to become an ordained minister through the United Church of Canada. I had to complete my Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), before I could attempt to earn my Master of Divinity (M.Div.). The Journey began at Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec. I remember clearly one of the professors, ... Read more

Change of Pastoral Relations – Announced on October 13, 2024

Dear Grace United Church, One never knows what the future holds, and moreover, sometimes we wander through a far wilderness to arrive at a destination that is right beside us. I write this note from my heart with bittersweet emotions. As of January 1, 2025, I will begin serving God through Trinity United Church in Smiths Falls, which is half the distance for me to travel compared to Grace. In the last four-plus years, Grace United Church has been a great place to serve the Creator and to experience a wonderful time of growth for both me and the Community ... Read more

Reverend Douglas Allan Stewart 1950 – 2024

Dear  Doug, Where do I begin to tell the stories that flood my mind and heart, as I read the news of your passing into eternity? I hear your laughter, I feel your hugs, I remember your wise and comforting words. I will never forget the words you shared with me at my ordination interviews: “I cannot wait to call you colleague after your ordination.” You also reminded me to be my True Self, and the rest of the world will adjust. Thank YOU for being a mentor and a colleague, and a friend who extended an uplifting hand when ... Read more

Fall 2024 Newsletter – Grace United Church

“There is a time for everything,     and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV) Dear Grace United Church, This year, September 22 marks the first day of autumn. Fall is my favourite season. If I had a choice to rearrange the seasons, I would put Autumn, Spring, Winter and Summer. Yes, a little messed up, but thank God, the Creator has arranged everything in its perfect way and time. If you ask me, where did the summer of 2024 go, I will say: “I do not know.” Moreover, I will add and say: “I do ... Read more

Summer 2024 Newsletter – Grace United Church

“Everything Has Its Time For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill and a time to heal; a time to break down and a time to build up; a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance; a time to throw away stones and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace and a time to ... Read more

Lent-Easter 2024 Newsletter – Grace United Church

“And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (NRSV) Dear Grace United Church, Lent has begun and we are journeying through the wilderness of life. This wilderness does not appear at Lent only and disappear at other times. If we really think about it, life is a journey in the wilderness. Sometimes we hit luscious greenery with beautiful waterfalls, other times we are lost in the sandstorms of life, left dried and brittle, not knowing which way to go. This year, Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, ... Read more

Advent 2023 Newsletter – Grace United Church

“Advent: Redirecting our lives to God’s authority and aligning oneself to the coming of the Realm of God!” – Rev. Takouhi Dear Grace United Church, Are you ready for Advent? Do you remember what Advent is? We already know the long nights are here, and the hours of daylight have become shorter and will be even shorter until December 21, and after that longest night, the daylight hours will be starting to get longer and longer, slowly but surely. We do know this, and we hold on to this Hope. As your spiritual leader it is my duty to immerse myself ... Read more

Larry Eugene Cochran – Sunrise, March 14, 1944  –  Sunset, September 21, 2023

Reflection from the Celebration of Life held on September 29, 2023 at Portland United Church, Portland, ON. “Suck it Up Buttercup!” If you had the chance to meet Larry, your life never would be the same. The day I met him, in March 2013, the St. Patrick’s Stew supper was taking place at Portland United Church. I had just started a New Call at the church on Feb. 1 of that year. I was informed there were many newcomers to this town since I last finished my internship in May 2010 and completed student ministry on Aug. 1, 2010. I ... Read more

Summer Time Away – August 14 – September 6, 2023

Dear Grace United Church, This year, summer arrived with vengeance, and the weather has been as unpredictable as life itself. It seems summer is lingering, yet it is almost running away. I do not know if it is “coming out of COVID” or what, but this summer seems to be busier than ever before for the ministry we share together, and I am ever grateful. Today, August 13, we will celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism and officially welcome members to this Community of Faith. When I tell people that summer is one of the busiest seasons of the year, they don’t ... Read more
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