Have you ever entered a store in an Outlet Center thinking the store must have cheaper prices because they are located in an Outlet Shopping centre?
In August, Gary and I had a chance to go and discover the Tanger Outlet Centre in Kanata for the first time. To my surprise, I saw a Bath and Body Works store and I was thrilled, thinking, “Maybe I will find some of the old fragrances that I miss and cheaper prices”. I went in. The prices were as regular as I can remember. I could not help but ask the clerk if this was a store with reduced prices. The answer was, “No, all the prices are REGULAR”. I was disappointed because there were no deals…
Then, I had a moment of realization… NOT all things that are found in one place represent their surroundings or environment. The positioning of a regularly priced store at an Outlet Centre comes to me as false advertising. If a tourist is in town and they do not know that these prices are regular prices and guess that they are getting a bargain… That is false advertising…
What I’m trying to say is: “Do not let your surroundings determine your actions. Ask the questions, inquire and know the facts. At the end of the day everything affects us”. Happy and Wise Shopping!