Parting Prayer for a Funeral

The following prayer is written for the late William Kenneth Derraugh (September 8, 1927– December 29, 2016 ) – feel free to use the prayer whenever you need it… May Blessings of Peace abound.

O God, whose days are without end, and whose mercies cannot be numbered:help us to be deeply aware to the fragility of life, and let your Holy Spirit lead us through this physical world with courage and peace – Your Peace.

May we find confidence in Faith and comfort in Hope.

Through Your Eternal Love may we live with one another in harmony, as we journey through this path called life.

We pray in the name of the Beloved, who showed us the Way of Eternal Love. Amen.

2 thoughts on “Parting Prayer for a Funeral”

  1. To discover your website Takhoui is wonderful but to find that you have posted this to Ken’s memory is a pleasant surprise. Before you bought the house from the Derraugh’s, years earlier I met Ken sitting on his front porch one day while taking Archie for his walk around the block. As soon as I saw him I remembered him from my days working in HR for the federal government. I had met Ken in a professional capacity on a few occasions when he was at Treasury Board (the Employer as far as public servants are concerned) and I as a ‘young pup’ from a Department was there pleading for resources or something like that. We immediately ‘hit it off’ as they say with our shared wry sense of humour, and we sat reminiscing on several occasions as Archie impatiently waited to get going and sniff out new smells along the roadway! We learned more about each others’ family histories, and we concluded that indeed the world is an interconnected place, especially as one gets older and with shared memories borne out of life experiences with others on a professional and personal level we develop a certain perspective. I’m sure he has staked out a little corner of heaven amongst other like-minded kindred spirits as the conversations continue!

    • Life has an interesting way to encircle us with LOVE… It was January 3, 2014 we came to see the house for the very first time with our realtor, the late Rebecca Wissler; to whom we said goodbye on December 12, 2016 (Taken away at a young age of 60 because of cancer); and yesterday we said goodbye to Ken. He was a true man of integrity, joy and wisdom. Loved getting to know him through Portland United Church, since 2009, when I arrived here as a student minister.
      So glad we have such wonderful memories… Now we go on and make this world a better place by getting to know our other neighbours and journey together. Love to you & Sandy…


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