Lent-Easter 2024 Newsletter – Grace United Church

“And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours

according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:19 (NRSV)

Dear Grace United Church,

Lent has begun and we are journeying through the wilderness of life. This wilderness does not appear at Lent only and disappear at other times. If we really think about it, life is a journey in the wilderness. Sometimes we hit luscious greenery with beautiful waterfalls, other times we are lost in the sandstorms of life, left dried and brittle, not knowing which way to go.

This year, Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, was also Valentine’s Day. This intersection reminds me of a fact of life. Ash Wednesday prompts us that we are dust and dust we will return, this physical Life is temporary and no money, nor other powers, can change this fact. Valentine’s Day reminds us that Love lives forever. Often, we forget that that we are all living on Borrowed Time.

Moreover, today, while I gather my thoughts to write this reflection, is leap day (Feb. 29, 2024) and these words keep on echoing in my mind and heart, “Do not be afraid, take a Leap of Faith.”   

Beloved, it is a human condition to always focus on what we want, rather than what we already have. Most of the time we live from the angle of scarcity and fear instead of abundance and knowledge. Think about it: The opposite of fear is NOT fearless, but Knowledge. Not knowledge from books or scholastic degrees, but knowledge that you are not alone. Knowledge that God will Provide. Knowledge that you live in God’s World, who has created, and still creating this world with Love through you and me. Lent reminds us to focus on the abundance of God’s Persistent Love, Permanent Provision and Peace, even in the desert of our life.

2024 marks the fourth year of our ministry together. I know many of you have been part of Grace United Church before I arrived, better yet, you have been part of this Community of Faith before I was born. But more importantly, God has been part of Grace United Church before time began.

You know what is the most time-consuming topic at any and every official board meeting? THE BUDGET. Money has been and continues to be the top priority of the church. Do not get me wrong, money is important to pay bills and have enough to eat and survive. However, what will happen if we spend more time on bringing together ideas of new ways of ministries? What will happen if we focus on how to welcome people with sincerity and joy? What will happen if we did ministry with deep Gratitude, by trusting God with the KNOWLEDGE that God will provide all our needs; as God has in the past, does in the present time, and will do in the future? What will happen if we spend ALL the money, we have in doing amazing ministry? At the end we would have had a good run in doing the best that we could do for God’s Glory. Money is just a tool to do MINISTRY for God’s Glory!

Beloved, the Church is a non-profit entity. Yes, it is run like a business to a certain aspect, we are all accountable on how to run the day-to-day work, but the Church’s driver is and MUST Be GRACE, MERCY & TRUST!

We all know that the world has changed by many historical moments and in our most recent recollection is COVID-19. Yes, this pandemic brought many painful moments from loneliness to losing loved ones. Surging prices of necessities of life to getting out of our comfort zones. Churches who had no intentions to livestream are on YouTube, Facebook, and other virtual medias. Reality has interwoven with virtuality. There are more meetings and conferences online than ever before. These are just small examples of God still working through us even in the middle of pandemics of life – in the middle of wildernesses of life. 

Friends, as we journey through Lent to Easter, what knowledge do you want to hold on to? The knowledge that God will provide all our needs if we claim the stories of the past that our forefathers and foremothers experienced. I always say, our story is God’s Story. We do not live for ourselves alone, but we live for the glory of God and do our best to make this world a better place for everyone.

Robin Steinke, president of Luther Seminary mentions in her most recent article, (From Fixing to Wondering – February 20, 2024): “You may be reading this message weighed down with the worries of the day, or struggling with health or family concerns. Perhaps you are wondering, as we all do at times, if the new life Jesus promises is for you too.”

Grace United Church, the new life that Jesus promises is for you too!

My journey, my parents’ journey, all your journeys are to lead us to a new and abundant life – but you need to open your eyes and heart to follow the Spirit’s Guidance.

Do not let this Lenten Season, Holy Week, and Easter slip by. Make every effort to stick with Jesus, even if the cross that Jesus is carrying appears heavy, he still carried it through to the end and death did not have the last word – Love, Life and Laughter did. 

As this Lenten Season arrives to the Victorious Easter Morning, after journeying through the hardships of Holy Week, what knowledge are you going to hold on to? What Songs of Praise will your lips and HEARTS sing in unison? God does not need any lip service but seeks a heart that truly trusts and obeys the Call of a new way of living.

Remember the words of Apostle Paul, “And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory forever and ever.” Amen. (Philippians 4:19-20 – NRSV)

May this be your knowledge and truth today and always.

I remain humbly God’s Servant-Daughter – Because of Grace,
Rev. Takouhi Demirdjian-Petro 
B.A., B.Th., M.Div.

1 thought on “Lent-Easter 2024 Newsletter – Grace United Church”

  1. Do you have a Visiting committee? Waiting for someone to drop by as cannot drive myself to church any longer. Guess no one missed me. Getting old not fun. Your message understandable. I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for your message. Blessings


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