Prayer of Thanksgiving – God of Deliverance – June 14, 2023

God of Deliverance, Out of floods, you deliver us unto fields of gold.  Out of parched places, you deliver us beside life-giving waters.   No matter where we are,  You are our Deliverer,   And You see us through.   Therefore, today, with grateful hearts we come to You  for all You have done and continue to do.   Your promises are steadfast until the end of time.   Thank You for the Gift of Your Presence.  Thank You for the Gift of Your Peace. Thank You for the Gift of Your Persistent Love.   May we journey on with Hope,   Tell our Stories of … Read more

A Prayer of Thanksgiving – ORIGINS – June 7, 2023

God of Creation, Out of darkness you brought Light, Out of nothingness you brought Life. From mud you created humankind, Yet, you gifted Your Image to all,  And instilled Your Breath in everyone.   Thank You for the Gift of Your Life-Giving Word. Thank You for the Gift of Your Spirit in and with us. Thank You for the Gift of each other.   May we go forward from here knowing that we are not alone. We live in Your World, In Your Womb, In Your Love – Today and Always.   Amen. 

A Prayer of Remembrance for the Armenian Genocide
April 24, 1915

April 24 is the Armenian Genocide Commemoration date. In 2015, the Canadian Parliament passed Motion M-587 to declare the month of April as Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention Month, and mark April 24 as Armenian Genocide Memorial Day. A Prayer of Remembrance – Armenian Genocide – April 24, 1915 [1] Holy and Life-Giving God, we come to you today with trust, knowing that Your Spirit hovers over all existence, bringing Light out of darkness, Life out of nothingness, Beauty out of ashes and Resurrection from the depths of the earth. Today, we remember the atrocities of the Ottoman Empire, that was … Read more

Mandate of Love – for Holy/Maundy Thursday

Holy One, Your mandate to us is to live Love, and make this world a better place. Jesus, our Teacher, Friend, and Example to follow, took bread, blessed, broke, and gave it to others. He was the Word made flesh, Your Word, the Bread of Life. Today, we want to be like Jesus, and have your Word live in and through us. Therefore, we urge you to bless us, break us, and help us share ourselves with others – even to the point of death. You promise to sanctify and multiply all that we willingly give and help us make … Read more

Broken & Spilled Out – VIBE closing prayer – March 8, 2023

Holy One,  We come to you and offer all that we are       and all that we have.  We come to you broken and spilled out,       tired and worn out from the way of the world,       and TURN to Your Love; because Your LOVE       breaks down barriers, builds relationships,       and strengthens us to CARRY ON.  We pray, wholeheartedly,       and bow down at the feet of Your LOVE       and surrender all selfish ways and live in       the WAY … Read more

Peace that Surpasses ALL Understanding – Jan. 29, 2023

Have you ever been in a storm, both figuratively and literally, but sense PEACE that surpasses all understanding? Today, we go back to Jan. 12, 2015, when Gary and I left our house to go to Gananoque to take care of a few errands. There was gentle snow coming down, but the weather was not stormy. We did not make anything about it and went on with our plans. We were about 10-15 km away from Gan, our Honda Element took a spin and Gary said, “Here we go honey, hold on tight”. Our car went zig-zag to the oncoming … Read more

New Life in Darkness – November 23, 2022

Holy God, You are the Source of All Light, Life and Love. In the beginning, You brought Life out of nothing, Light out of darkness, Love in the turmoil of emptiness. In the midst of darkness, You grant us New Light In the presence of death, You bring forth New Life In the midst of unknowing Your Love becomes known. Every darkness brings a new dawn, A New Beginning, Hope for the Journey. Our existence is a gift from you. Our breath is your breath in us. Like a coin, our reality has two sides: Light and Dark Day and … Read more

Presence in Darkness – September 28, 2022

In the middle of the night we call your name, O God, Thinking You are far away Hidden in darkness absent from our selves Fearful and hesitant, we struggle to live our days. Tonight, we pray for Peace. May Your Peace, O God, which is in, around, and through us, Help our eyes to adjust to the dark light of the night. You say, if we stay still and acknowledge who You are Contentment abounds and Peace multiplies. Trusting You fully, Depending on You completely, Walking with You confidently Makes Your Presence evident, and Your Peace we find in the eye of … Read more

Your Love Offers Clarity and Comfort – April 7, 2022

Holy Comforter, Sometimes we forget that Your yoke is easy, and the work of Your mission is filled with Love, Light and Laughter. Help us to trust our cares and find rest for our souls in You. In our daily tasks, help us practice radical kindness and hospitality.  Remind us once again that they do not need to be big and mighty, but practiced through your Great Love. Prompt us to remember that the cost of discipleship cannot compare to the Love which You offer us from eternity to eternity.  Help us make faithful decisions for the good of ALL … Read more

Forgiveness: Not a Sign of Failure – March 28, 2022

Dear God,In this world of Good and Evil, Help us choose the Good and the Godly of life. Help us walk away from evil shadows and walk under the shadow of Your Wings. Help us to discern what You are calling us for, and accept the responsibilities that we must carry as a duty of Care and Love. Your anger does not last, as far as the east from the west, You remove our inequities and forgive us always. Help us free ourselves from what imprisons us, by forgiving ourselves and all others who hurt us. May Love abound and Pain … Read more

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