Recently there have been many conversations going on about God’s existence.
So, I took a few moments to reflect and this is my reflection.
If individuals claim they are atheists, but they still want to run all inclusive communities by saying “We do not believe in God”, they just made themselves exclusive, because they excluded God, the source of all Life and Essence.
Maybe, just maybe, our theology changes and that is a very good thing. Once I heard someone say, “If your theology of the past does not think your theology of this moment is heretic, you have not grown in faith”. My theology, faith – whatever word you want to use, has changed – but my experience with the unseen Presence, Essence, Creator, Father, Mother, Spirit, Universe has become more real.
Yes, I no longer follow the thought process that God is some male character sitting on a throne above the clouds and is watching every move I make – similar to Santa Claus. But I do know deep in my heart and mind that there is a Presence that is beyond my comprehension which is Present and journeys with me. It is that breath which is closer than my own breath and leads me to Love – love of the self and the other and helps me grow beyond my imagination.
This Presence is also the One that connects us, if we are open to the idea of having loving, caring, respectful relationships.
Yes, just maybe, this Presence is not so evident to the physical eye, but it is PRESENT. Many a times, in my lowest moments this Presence been more than evident to me – This Presence has been my Strength and my Refuge.
I want to leave you with this thought…
Have you ever enjoyed a nice butter croissant, at a French Café, or at home?
Do you see the butter when you eat it?
No, You experience it on your fingers, in your mouth with your taste buds…In other words, you only taste it and if you are eating it with your fingers – the butter leaves evidence on your fingers that it has been there…
You first need to hold on to the butter croissant so that you can have the signs of its Presence, even when we cannot see.
May God’s Presence, Essence and Love be as tasty, sweet as a butter croissant that you enjoy it with Gratitude with EVERY breath you take. Amen.