Fall 2024 Newsletter – Grace United Church

“There is a time for everything,

    and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV)

Dear Grace United Church,

This year, September 22 marks the first day of autumn.

Fall is my favourite season. If I had a choice to rearrange the seasons, I would put Autumn, Spring, Winter and Summer. Yes, a little messed up, but thank God, the Creator has arranged everything in its perfect way and time.

If you ask me, where did the summer of 2024 go, I will say: “I do not know.” Moreover, I will add and say: “I do not know where the nine months of this year have gone.” Life seems to be one fleeting moment after another. However, these fleeting moments help us grow if we pay attention. I have learned, similar to our life journey, every Season has its own Lessons, every Lesson is an Experience, and every Experience brings forth Growth — growing deeper in our relationship with the Creator and each other — but it is up to us to participate and partake.

I truly love the fact that each season teaches us different lessons. Winter reminds us to stay Calm, Quiet, and Still even in the storms of life. Spring teaches us that in those calm, quiet and still moments of life, life percolates underground and new life is about to break through. Summer reminds us to enjoy every aspect of life. Fun with family and friends with Mother Nature calling us to get outdoors — on water and on land to help us feel free and grounded at the same time. Lastly, the season of Autumn that we have already started to embrace since mid-August slowly invites us to embrace the humble act of letting go. The foliage is changing colours and reminding us to embrace the gift of letting go, because we have been gifted with everything in our lives.

Fall is my favourite season, as it reminds me repeatedly that we cannot hold on to the same life forever, everything must change. You have heard me say frequently from the pulpit that if a newborn infant does not grow, the parents and the doctors realize that there is something wrong.

Change is inevitable in life — the only constant is change.  

So, today, I want to invite you to embrace change, to embrace newness and to trust the ONE who is the only constant in life besides change, the Creator, is always with you.

I want to leave you with the words of Barbra Streisand’s song: “Everything Must Change”  from one of my favourite albums, “Higher Ground” (1997):

Everything Must Change

Everything must change
Nothing stays the same
Everyone must change
No one stays the same

The young become the old
And mysteries do unfold
Cause that’s the way of time
Nothing and no one goes unchanged

There are not many things in life
You can be sure of

Except rain comes from the clouds
Sun lights up the sky
And hummingbirds do fly

Winter turns to spring
A wounded heart will heal
But never much too soon
Yes, everything must change

The young become the old
And mysteries do unfold
Cause that’s the way of time
Nothing and no one goes unchanged

There are not many things in life
You can be sure of

Except rain comes from the clouds
Sun lights up the sky
And butterflies do fly
Rain comes from the clouds

Sun lights up the sky
And music
And music
Makes me cry[1]

I remain humbly God’s Servant-Daughter – Because of Grace,
Rev. Takouhi Demirdjian-Petro
B.A., B.Th., M.Div.

[1] Songwriters: Benard Ighner – Everything Must Change lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

4 thoughts on “Fall 2024 Newsletter – Grace United Church”

    • Thanks, Alida.
      I find, whatever I share with others, I am reminded of Hope and Peace.
      Thanks for always being a Good Friend and Joyful Presence.
      Love Always,


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