Grace United Church – Gananoque
Minister’s Annual Report 2024–AGM 2025
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-3
2025 appears to be a year of new beginnings for us both more than ever. I know this is supposed to be a report for 2024, however, I am led to write to you a letter of gratitude and encouragement. Throughout 2024, I have reported details of my Lifelong Learning, Pastoral Care visits, Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals. You have read constant reports. I think it is far more important for me to let you know what a glowing and growing experience it was to be serving the Creator through Grace United Church from November 1, 2020 to December 31, 2024, and remind one another that our time together has not been in vain; but a wonderful time of going deeper into the Love, and the Grace, of the Maker of the Universe together.
I would like to start by encouraging all who gather every Sunday morning for worship to continue to do so and allow the beautiful music, prayers, message and the true meaning of worship to uplift you; so that you can uplift others inside and outside of the Grace United Church building. However, do not stop there. Diligently seek the will of God and serve God through this Community of Faith and the greater community around you beyond the walls.
The weekly worship celebrations do not just happen by themselves, but through the diligent work and care of Session and the Worship Planning Team. The weekly worships are planned, prepared and experienced by the Spirit’s work leading all those involved. My utmost gratitude extends to Mr. Paul Harding and the choir members for offering such beautiful music where souls are touched and rejuvenated. Additionally, I would like to thank Tammy Fergusson, the precious LLWL (Licensed Lay Worship Leader) from Grace, who has grown tremendously and demonstrated how living a life of learning like a disciple and stepping up to the plate to share the Good News of God’s Love like an Apostle appears.
Through Session, the Caring and Sharing Team carefully keep in touch with those who are going through difficulties of life, may it be illness, death, or other components of life. Spreading the Love of this Community of Faith through the Prayer Shawl Ministries of the Nifty Knitters, Pastoral Care has a huge group of individual supporters – even though many of the members do their work behind the scenes. This is an integral part of the life of the church – this is the Call of the Church – to be a place of Healing and Accompaniment, a Hospital of sorts where the broken souls are mended and healed. A Community of Faith cannot offer Cure, that is the job of the physicians, but we can offer Healing and Wholeness through the Grace of God.
I would be remiss if I did not also look at the temporal teams of this community who take care of the building that is trusted to this Community of Faith on behalf of the United Church of Canada, and most importantly, on behalf of the Creator. The Official Board, Trustees, and Stewards. Your work is to look after the financial and material needs, but you do that with so much love and care. You are practicing what Jesus called His Community of the Way to live through: Love and Love alone.
I want to offer a very special word of gratitude to the M & P (Ministry & Personnel) Committee. Your mandate is one of the toughest of the community. Listening to the needs of the congregation and the minister, the staff and all the possibilities of running everything like a smooth business, but with a heart of Care, Support, and Grace. Therefore, accept my word of gratitude with Joy and Content when I say, you have done your best and that is what God asks us to do. Thank YOU!
UCW, United Church Women, you were established as a national group of women in 1962, after Woman’s Missionary Society (WMS), and the deeper historical roots where women of the church met many of the spiritual, financial and social needs of the world. What used to be a large group of women, working from coast to coast, has now become a smaller number of groups, but the spirit of the UCW has not diminished. You still work together with the same great love of God and make this world a better place. I have truly enjoyed getting to know each and every one of you, as much as possible; and your desire to do ministry in different ways makes me thank God greatly for your painstaking work. Your Worship leadership at World Day of Prayer, and Sunday Worships at Grace, will forever stay in my heart and mind for always. Thank YOU!
Beloved, when I shared with you that I was moving to Trinity United Church in Smiths Falls as of January 1, 2025, a few mentioned: “We are back to square one.” I have reminded these individuals that “You are NOT back to square one,” as Grace United Church has come a long way in many aspects of Ministry, accomplishments since the previous minister before my time with you. Together, we have welcomed, and you are still welcoming, the Gananoque Pride Alliance in the Fellowship Hall downstairs; we held Pride Worship Celebrations. Together we have participated in Pride Parade; we have created an Inclusive Marriage Policy; enjoyed Blessing of the Animals; and we have walked with our Indigenous Sisters and Brothers through Truth and Reconciliation Days. I am certain there are many things that I am forgetting right at this moment, but God does not forget.
There is so much we have accomplished together by God’s Grace and hard work, but all this is to say, even though nothing comes easily in life and everything good requires our sweat and blood: Look at Jesus, the author and the perfector of our faith, but we can do all things through Christ who strengthen us.
Therefore, I am going to let Laurie Cadue, Grace’s amazing Administrator, share the lists of Baptisms, Membership, Weddings and Funerals, in this Grace United Church Gananoque 2024 Ministries & Financial Report, and make my last word be: Grace United Church, continue to make ministry your priority and see how you will continue to soar on the wings of eagles, and God will provide all your needs according to the riches of God’s Glory.
You are Beloved, You are Not Alone.
May Grace Upon Grace be evident to you.
God’s Servant-Daughter,
Rev. Takouhi Demirdjian-Petro
Ordained Minister Grace United Church-Gan.: Nov. 1, 2020 -December 31, 2024
Excellent letter of encouragement to those who are part of the Grace Community and a tribute to their hard work.