Hanging in There…

20160130_164559[1]It has been a busy week. Annual reports, Sunday morning prep for new members, a child’s baptism, pastoral care through visits, phone calls, e-mails and Facebook messenger. I was registered for a full day workshop on Friday the 29th, I withdrew myself, as I realized on Wednesday evening how many things I have to get done before Sunday.

Barely had a day off, and by Saturday afternoon, January 30, around 4 p.m. my head felt full of stuff and I needed fresh air. Thanks to Maya, our Golden Retriever, who was restless and pacing the corridor, I decided to get my coat on and go for a walk. We are so blessed to be living close to the Cataraqui Trail. Got ready and set for a walk.

What a gorgeous afternoon. A little breezy but not frigid. As we start our walk, I started praying for all who are on my mind and in my heart: family, friends, congregants, communities we live in and of course the wider world. Slowly but surely my stuffy head started to open up to the sounds and the presence around me. The crisp snow under my feet gave me the bounce to walk on a cloud and be free from all that is tying me down.

I started to worry a bit about Maya, as she has a sensitive paw and sometimes she cannot stand the cold snow, even though she loves rolling in it and eating it like a slushy. So I started to turn back home. I was quiet and the breeze was becoming audible. I heard rustling, the type that I can hear around Autumn alone. So I stopped and paid attention where it was coming from – all the trees look bare but I found a tree that still had dry leaves on it. The wind was moving it but those leaves were still hanging on to the branches. This is when I had an AHA moment. “It does not matter how dried up we might feel we are still alive and can make our voices heard and touch someone in gentleness”.

I was refreshed, rejuvenated and returned home, only to see my neighbour taking her dog for a walk and we went for another walk with them.

What a joy it is to have peace and be open to our surroundings who are always teaching us a new thing, if we only listen.

God Moments

I am not sure how many times this has happened in the past, however, at yesterday`s (Jan. 24, 2016) Sunday morning worship celebration that took place at Portland United Church, it happened again. I clearly remember not so long ago, during a sermon where I had just finished saying, “And God Calls us…” that a visitor`s cell phone rang. I made sure not to look at anyone, so that no one feels bad, and waited for the laughter to stop and continued. We cannot plan such moments in life. What reminds me of this incident with the cell phone is … Read more

Wise Shopping!

Have you ever entered a store in an Outlet Center thinking the store must have cheaper prices because they are located in an Outlet Shopping centre? In August, Gary and I had a chance to go and discover the Tanger Outlet Centre in Kanata for the first time. To my surprise, I saw a Bath and Body Works store and I was thrilled, thinking, “Maybe I will find some of the old fragrances that I miss and cheaper prices”. I went in. The prices were as regular as I can remember. I could not help but ask the clerk if … Read more

Courage & Community Go Hand in Hand…

Dear friends and family, I left Beirut, Lebanon over thirty-two years ago but I have not forgotten my roots: My roots of Christian Faith and Community of Love. Since 2013, the Alumni of Shamlian Tatikian Secondary School have been gathering to celebrate life and raise funds to support the school that still beats with the heartbeat of God and supports many children who are unable to afford education. In the scarcity of their situation, they share abundantly. At this time, with the world refugee crisis, this school is supporting many Syrian Refugee children who are in desperate need of consistency … Read more

Saints and Sinners

Yesterday, November 5, 2015, someone told me that on All Saints Sunday she was given the opportunity to think of the saints in her life – I was one of the saints she thought of. I was truly touched by these words because I always remind the people in the pews that we are all saints and sinners but I had never experienced this feeling of being called a saint. A moment of warm embrace, a spirit moment moved my heart and hers and both of our eyes started to accumulate tears. She continued on to say, “Takouhi, you do … Read more

Language of the Heart – The Lord’s Prayer

Have you ever offered to do something then felt nervous about it, because you have never done it before? On July 30th, I replied to a mass e-mail that was sent to all GC42 attendees to wear something that represents their heritage for the Saturday, August 8th evening worship, in Corner Brook, Newfoundland. Contemplating it for a while, I could not help but reply back, “I do not have any Armenian folklore garbs available, but I can sing the Lord’s Prayer in Armenian”. A scary thought to get up and sing in front of four to five hundred people, but … Read more

Canada’s 42nd Election – UCCC’s 42nd GC – 2015

When I heard the news that Canada’s 42nd election was called today (August 2, 2015), some kind of an alarm went off in my mind and heart. Because, for the very first time this year, I am attending the 42nd General Council of the United Church of Canada in Corner Brook, Newfoundland (Aug. 8 – 14). I was elected to be a commissioner – given the chance to have a “voice”, one of the voices of the Four Rivers Presbytery that I am part of. There are many recommendations for change that are coming forth within our United Church and … Read more


Every day is a piece of the larger puzzle that we create. Every moment is the revelation of the bigger picture. The pieces have dark and light images, but ALL make up One picture. With its beauty and bleak moments, we do know that unimaginable possibilities are found in every moment for all of us to grow deep and expand our horizons. The purpose of this blog is to share my journey. The blogs are divided into two sections. One will be snippets of my personal life (Personal Pieces) and the other will be my ministry life (Ministry Pieces); however … Read more

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