Grace United Church – Gananoque – Minister’s Annual Report 2022 – AGM 2023 – February 12

“Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends…” First Corinthians 13:4-8a (NRSV) Dearly Beloved, the above verses are usually read at weddings. Last year, I had the privilege to officiate nine weddings. However, I also had the honour of presiding at twenty-two different funerals. I have learned, and now, I … Read more

Time Away – Feb. 15-22, 2023 – February 8, 2023

Dear Grace United Church, If I told you that I cannot remember many birthday celebrations, while growing up in Lebanon – but only four and a fifth one that is very blurry – you would not believe me. Four birthday celebrations in the first fifteen years of my life. Of course it did not help that the Civil War in Lebanon began when I was not even eight years old (1975). My very first memory of a birthday celebration was in 1977, my 10th birthday, when my sister Ruth and my dad, Vramshabouh, surprised me at school. They showed up with … Read more

Peace that Surpasses ALL Understanding – Jan. 29, 2023

Have you ever been in a storm, both figuratively and literally, but sense PEACE that surpasses all understanding? Today, we go back to Jan. 12, 2015, when Gary and I left our house to go to Gananoque to take care of a few errands. There was gentle snow coming down, but the weather was not stormy. We did not make anything about it and went on with our plans. We were about 10-15 km away from Gan, our Honda Element took a spin and Gary said, “Here we go honey, hold on tight”. Our car went zig-zag to the oncoming … Read more

Christmas 2022 Newsletter – Grace United Church

“Christmas is Generosity in Action, Even in the Midst of Scarcity!” Dear Grace United Church, Would you believe me if I told you this year marks our third Advent season together? I cannot believe it. It feels like it was just yesterday the very first Sunday I led worship celebration at Grace – that was Nov. 15, 2020. It is a shocking reality. Sometimes I sense, just because COVID-19 enforced us to stay home and be safe, not just for ourselves but for all those we love and care for, life still went on. The world kept on spinning, bills … Read more

New Life in Darkness – November 23, 2022

Holy God, You are the Source of All Light, Life and Love. In the beginning, You brought Life out of nothing, Light out of darkness, Love in the turmoil of emptiness. In the midst of darkness, You grant us New Light In the presence of death, You bring forth New Life In the midst of unknowing Your Love becomes known. Every darkness brings a new dawn, A New Beginning, Hope for the Journey. Our existence is a gift from you. Our breath is your breath in us. Like a coin, our reality has two sides: Light and Dark Day and … Read more

Presence in Darkness – September 28, 2022

In the middle of the night we call your name, O God, Thinking You are far away Hidden in darkness absent from our selves Fearful and hesitant, we struggle to live our days. Tonight, we pray for Peace. May Your Peace, O God, which is in, around, and through us, Help our eyes to adjust to the dark light of the night. You say, if we stay still and acknowledge who You are Contentment abounds and Peace multiplies. Trusting You fully, Depending on You completely, Walking with You confidently Makes Your Presence evident, and Your Peace we find in the eye of … Read more

Rev. Takouhi’s Reflection – Fall 2022 – September 15, 2022

Dearly Beloved, World leaders are celebrated with so much fanfare when they leave this physical world, I felt compelled that we need to dedicate this reflection to a loving leader, colleague and an example of a servant-leader, Rev. Seeley. Every September, I reflect on new beginnings. As the new academic year begins, Mother Nature reminds us that change is in the air with the cooler weather and prepares us for winter. I take my vacations mostly in fall, bringing me new and refreshing outlook to life, as we attempt to hibernate through the coming months of winter. However, this time … Read more

Vacation Time – August 28, 2022

Dear Grace United Church, Summer has come and almost gone in a blink of an eye. It is mind-boggling to see how fast these days are going by. Many people take time off to rejuvenate and restore their energy in the summertime, but for a minister, summer is one of the busiest seasons of the year. There is Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and then there is Summer, filled with weddings and funerals. As summertime is winding down, my family and I are just getting started to slow down and spend some time together, to rest and play. Therefore, I will … Read more

Unexpected Blessings – July 31, 2022

“We Make Plans, God Laughs”                        Yiddish Proverb Have you heard the above saying? I had not heard it until I arrived in Canada, at the age of nineteen in 1986. However, in my childhood I have always heard my mother say, “God Willing” – before or after any plans she would share with others. Picking up on that, I have used that expression always, until one day in early 2000’s, at Northlea United Church (where I got married), in Chomedey, Quebec, someone stopped me and said, “Takouhi, God wills for us to enjoy the plans we set in our lives … Read more

Rev. Takouhi’s Reflection… Summer 2022 Newsletter – June 8, 2022

“Do Not Let Your Circumstances Take Away the Joy of God’s Blessings” Dear Grace United Church, I do not know what is going on in your life right at this moment, or what is waiting for each of us this summer season. However, the Spirit is leading me to share what I have been learning still today about God’s Blessings and life’s circumstances. Most of you know that I attended the Festival of Homiletics in Denver, Colo., which took place the week of May 16. This was the event’s first in-person gathering since 2019, which also offered virtual participation. At … Read more

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